Allison is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist specializing in nutrition therapy for disordered eating, the gut-brain axis, and the integral connection between nutrition and mental health. This is a topic that is too often overlooked in our conventional medical system. Allison is determined to show you a more natural path toward health and happiness.
Allison earned her BS in Nutrition from the University of Texas Austin in 2012 where she also completed UT's dietetic internship in 2014. She has been practicing as a fully licensed dietitian since 2015 and is approaching her 10-year RD anniversary!
Over the past 9 years, Allison has worked in inpatient and outpatient settings such as Wilmington Treatment Center, JFK ADATC, Carolina Dunes, and The Willows at Red Oak. Allison currently serves as the dietitian for Coastal Horizons Center and Wilmington Health Access for Teens (WHAT). She is delighted to rejoin the team at Healing Together.
Allison's sessions utilize various modalities and philosophies including Intuitive Eating, Health At Every Size, Hunger/Fullness Scale, The Pendulum of Attuned Eating, The ACT Matrix (CBT), Body Positivity / Body Neutrality, and self-directed neuroplasticity techniques. This is not your basic run-of-the-mill nutrition education experience! Allison's goal is to help her clients develop healthy relationships with food, healthy relationships with their bodies, and healthful behaviors that are supportive of each individual's unique needs and lifestyles. There is no "one-size-fits-all" diet plan, body type, or ideal lifestyle. Allison collaborates with her clients and their care team to customize nutrition and lifestyle interventions that fit the individual, rather than making an individual fit a conventional idea of what health "should" look like. Get ready to experience liberation from toxic diet culture and the weight-loss industrial complex. A new level of self-love and self-awareness awaits.
You can contact Allison by email at or by phone at 828-222-7073.